Jane Naylor-Maury osteopath

Jane Naylor-Maury
BSc (Hons) Osteopathy

“Many people think Osteopaths only treat back pain, but it is really a treatment approach for the whole body”

Jane is a Registered Osteopath with the General Osteopathic Council (GOC) and a member of the British Osteopathic Association (BOA). She qualified at the British School of Osteopathy (BSO), in London, the oldest and largest Osteopathic School in the UK.

Jane is a keen sports person (she ran in the London Marathon in both 2004 and 2005), and former Gymnast/Gymnastic coach who originally took up Osteopathy to pursue a long term interest in the mechanical integrity of the body.

Jane emphasises that Osteopathy is an established, safe and very effective hands-on approach to clinical practice. It utilises many conventional medical methods of evaluation as well as assessing the mechanical and functional integrity of the body, recognising that each individual is different. It is appropriate for all age groups, including those with disabilities.

Although many GPs are now referring patients for Osteopathic treatment, because Osteopaths are trained and qualified to diagnose as well as treat many causes of pain, patients suffering with a wide variety of problems can contact an Osteopath directly. For details please see the Treatment section under FAQ.

Jane combines different treatment approaches depending on the age of the patient and presenting symptoms. These include soft tissue massage, joint articulation, Cranial Osteopathy and Westernised Acupuncture.

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